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Using C++11 move semantics to enhance code safety


Let's say we have a fairly large codebase. The code is relatively portable and besides Windows (MSVC 2010) and GNU/Linux (GCC 4.3) it is regularly built with several target platform's native compilers (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris). There is an effort to move to GCC on all Unix systems but it does not seem to be the case in a forseeable future.

As we have a decent Continuous integration environment like Jenkins or Buildbot there is no problem to use lets say Clang 3.2 or GCC 4.8 just for early error diagnostics as far as the source code remains to work on the old compilers as well.

The question we want to address is:

Can we utilize the new C++11 standard in order to make the source code better but still buildable with old compilers?

Conversion helper

We have the following conversion helper, which generically encapsulates all kinds of unicode text conversions (UTF-8 char, UTF-16 wchar_t, UTF-16 char16_t, UTF-32 char32_t, ...).

The actual conversion is realized in the do_conversion() helper and is not really important in this context.

What is important is that we have some generic string definition which looks something like following:

#if ( XSTRING_FORMAT == 8 )
typedef char XChar;
#elif ( XSTRING_FORMAT == 16 )
typedef char16_t XChar;
#elif ( XSTRING_FORMAT == -16 )
typedef wchar_t XChar;
#elif ( XSTRING_FORMAT == 32 )
typedef char32_t XChar;

typedef std::basic_string<XChar> XString;

... and then in many places, when we are interfacing with an API accepting a particular string format, we have code like this:

// retrieve our internal string 
XString const& str( ... ); 
// pass the string to an external API (convert it if necessary)
std::cout << "Output: " << convert<char>( str ).c_str() << std::endl;

The helper class called convert ought to be clever enough to incur a minimal overhead in case there is no need for a conversion.

Such helper class can look something like this:

template <typename CharT>
class convert
    typedef CharT char_type;
    typedef size_t size_type;
    typedef std::basic_string<char_type> string_type;
    typedef converter this_type;

    // neither allocation nor conversion performed => no overhead 
    convert( string_type const& text )
        : m_text( text.c_str() )
        , m_length( text.size() )

    // here we allocate a new bufer and perform the necessary conversion
    template <typename T>
    convert( std::basic_string<T> const& text )
        : m_buffer( do_conversion( text ) )
        , m_text( m_buffer.c_str() )
        , m_length( m_buffer.size() )

    char_type const* c_str() const { return m_text; }
    size_type length() const { return m_length; }

private:  // make this class noncopyable
    convert( this_type const& );
    this_type const& operator=( this_type const& );

    string_type const m_buffer;    // temporary buffer used for conversion
    char_type const* const m_text; // pointer to zero terminated output string
    size_type const m_length;      // size of the output string

This implementation works relatively well as far as no one violates a single rule:

Lifetime of the convert<> object may never exceed lifetime of the string it is converting

The problem is demonstrated in the following code:

// case #1: converting an L-value in a single expression is OK
std::cout << "This is ok: " << convert<char>( s1 ).c_str() << std::endl;

// case #2: converting an R-value (temporary) in a single expression is OK
std::cout << "This is ok: " << convert<char>( s1 + s2 ).c_str() << std::endl;

// case #3: converting an L-value with a named converter<> is OK
convert<char> const t1( s1 );
std::cout << "This is ok: " << t1.c_str() << std::endl;

// case #4: converting an R-value (temporary) with a named converter<> is BAD
convert<char> const t12( s1 + s2 );
std::cout << "Oooops!: " << t12.c_str() << std::endl;

The question is:

Are we able to distinguish between the four cases demonstrated above and make sure the #4 never appears in our codebase?

C++11 at our service

Fixed version

When we start compiling the source with C++11 language version (-std=c++11 compiler setting) many new opportunities open up for us.

If we add the following two constructor overloads then we have fully functional solution even for case #4.

convert( string_type&& text )
    : m_buffer( std::move( text ) ) // here we grab'n'reuse the source buffer
    , m_text( m_buffer.c_str() )
    , m_length( m_buffer.size() )

template <class T>
convert( std::basic_string<T>&& text )
    : convert( text ) // here we cannot move, we have to do the conversion anyway

Either of the new constructors gets called anytime a temporary string is passed to the converter. If there is no conversion to be done, the non-template version is called and we just grab the guts of the temporary string and so prolong its lifetime for as long as we need it. If a conversion is necessary then the templated version gets called. In such case there is nothing to be moved and so we just delegate the call to the templated constructor accepting const reference (actually as we delegate the call to the const& anyway it is not necessary to define this version of the constructor at all - if we were not going to manipulate with access specifiers further on).

The problem is that now we are outside the scope of C++03 and so this code does not work on the old compilers.

So this approach is perfectly functional and completely safe with new compilers but unfortunately does not compile on the old ones - not quite what we were looking for.

Input R/L-valuedness

What if we make those two constructors private instead and so make sure there is no one using the conversion this way?

Then we have only "nice" clients and we are safe on all other platforms thanks to the fact that we just make a sanity check build once a day or so.



    convert( string_type&& text )
        : m_buffer( std::move( text ) ) // here we grab'n'reuse the source buffer
        , m_text( m_buffer.c_str() )
        , m_length( m_buffer.size() )
        // case #2 or #4

    template <class T>
    convert( std::basic_string<T>&& text )
        : convert( text ) // here we cannot move, we have to do the conversion anyway
        // case #2 or #4

The problem is that this approach disables all clients trying to convert R-value string; even ones doing that in a single expression (one-liner conversions).

The case #2 (which is perfectly OK) now fails to compile:

// case 2: converting an R-value (temporary) in a single expression is OK
std::cout << "This is ok: " << convert<char>( s1 + s2 ).c_str() << std::endl;

What we need is a way to distinguish between case #2 and case #4. It is not the R-valuedness of input what is wrong, it is the combination of input string R-valuedness and L-valuedness of the convert<> object.

Converter R/L-valuedness

Now we have to distinguish cases when the convert<> class is instantiated as a one-liner (R-value) from cases when it is created as a named variable (L-value).

What we are basically looking for is a similar overload for the convert<> constructor like we have for the input string value.

If C++ had explicit this parameter instead of implicit (like Python has with its first method argument, conventionally called self), then we could try something like this:

convert( this_type&& self, string_type const& text ) { /* case #1 - OK */ }

convert( this_type&& self, string_type&& text )  { /* case #2 - OK */ }

convert( this_type const& self, string_type const& text )  { /* case #3 - OK */ }

convert( this_type const& self, string_type&& text )
    // case #4 - ERR
    static_assert( 0, "Temporary values must be converted as a one-liner" );

Actually - as there are well known cv-qualifiers - newly there are also ref-qualifiers (see paper Extending move semantics to *this ).

convert( string_type const& text ) && { /* case #1 - OK */ }

convert( string_type&& text ) && { /* case #2 - OK */ }

convert( string_type const& text ) & { /* case #3 - OK */ }

convert( string_type&& text ) &
    // case #4 - ERR
    static_assert( 0, "Temporary values must be converted as a one-liner" );

The problem is that ref-qualifiers cannot be applied to constructors (neither to desctructors, static methods), just to ordinary methods.

So what about the convert<>::c_str() method?

The following code works perfectly OK (I have tested it on Clang 3.0, it should work since Clang 2.9 according to the Clang C++11 status page and since GCC 4.8.1 according to the GCC C++11 status page ).

CharT const* c_str() const&
    // case #3 or #4
    return m_text; 

CharT const* c_str() &&
    // case #1 or #2
    return m_text; 

The problem here is that we lost track of the input R/L-valuedness and so cannot distinguish between case #3 (OK) and #4 (Error).

So what we need is to transfer the input valuedness from the constructor to the c_str() method. We could definitely store it in a variable and assert in runtime, but it is not what we really want.

We want to find a way to fail early - in compile time.

Unfortunately I did not find a full solution for this problem. As the R/L valuedness of a convert<> instance is not known in scope of its constructor we are not able to combine the two necessary bits of information (R/L-valuedness of both input value and convert<>) in one place.

Thankfully there is a not so bad workaroung for this problem though.

convert<> vs. coverter<>

It requires a change in client code, but fortunately it is quite mechanical change which can be easily automated.

First we rename the convert<> template class to converter<>.

Then we create a perfectly forwarding template function called convert<> as follows:

template <typename CharT, typename T>
inline converter<CharT> convert( T&& text )
    return converter<CharT>( std::forward<T>( text ) ); 

To the original version of the convert<> (now its name is converter<>) we add the following code:

    // Following constructors are not allowed before we have C++11 support 
    // on all target platforms
    // (r-value string conversion must be performed within the same expression)
    template <typename CT, typename T>
    friend converter<CT> convert( T&& text );

    converter( this_type&& rhs )
        : m_buffer( std::move( rhs.m_buffer ) )
        , m_text( std::move( rhs.m_text ) )
        , m_length( std::move( rhs.m_length ) )

    converter( string_type&& text )
        : m_buffer( std::move( text ) ) // here we grab'n'reuse the source buffer
        , m_text( m_buffer.c_str() )
        , m_length( text.size() )

    template <class T>
    converter( std::basic_string<T>&& text )
        : converter( text ) // we are intentionally not moving (we convert anyway)


To be able to return the converter<> out of the factory convert<> function it was necessary to make the non-copyable converter<> movable (add move constructor).

Now we are back in the version with private constructors accepting R-value input but now we have a back door helper function called convert<> which we can use for one-line conversions.

Now it is necessary to replace all the named (L-value) convert<> instances with converter<> in client code while keeping all one-line conversions intact.

// case #1: converting an lvalue in a single expression is OK
std::cout << "This is ok: " << convert<char>( s1 ).c_str() << std::endl;

// case #2: converting an rvalue (temporary) in a single expression is OK
std::cout << "This is ok: " << convert<char>( s1 + s2 ).c_str() << std::endl;

// case #3: converting an lvalue with a named converter<> is OK
converter<char> const t1( s1 );
std::cout << "This is ok: " << t1.c_str() << std::endl;

// case #4: converting an rvalue (temporary) with a named converter<> is BAD
converter<char> const t12( s1 + s2 );
std::cout << "Oooops!: " << t12.c_str() << std::endl;

Now if we compile the source code with the CHECK_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY macro defined we get the following compiler error for the case #4:

Clang 3.0: movement.cpp:38:24: error: calling a private constructor of class 'converter' converter const t12( s1 + s2 ); ^

GCC 4.7: ././convert_impl.hpp:65:2: error: ‘converter::converter(std::basic_string&&) [with T = wchar_t; CharT = char]’ is private movement.cpp:38:37: error: within this context

The last step is to make the convert<> and converter<> work the same way on the old compilers.

For that we would love to use template alias:

template <typename CharT>
using convert = converter<CharT>;

... but unfortunately it was not available before the C++11.

What remains as a workaround is either the following ugly preprocessor hack:

#define convert converter

... or we can use inheritance:

template <typename CharT>
class convert 
    : public converter<CharT>
    typedef converter<CharT> base_type;
    using typename base_type::char_type;
    using typename base_type::size_type;
    using typename base_type::string_type;

    convert( string_type const& text )
        : base_type( text )

    template <typename T>
    convert( std::basic_string<T> const& text )
        : base_type( text )

Unfortunately it is not trivial as we need to bridge constructors and local typedefs as can be seen above.


The C++11 standard greatly extends what the language is able to express. Especially the move semantics opens many opportunities for various kinds of optimizations.

As we seen this new expresivness is valuable not only for performance but also for correctness of the source code.

And even though you cannot use the new standard directly in production (e.g. due to some historical reasons) you can still utilize the new language features as a kind of static code analysis.

Source code

The source code for this experiment is available here.

I was able to build it succesfully with GCC 4.7.2 and Clang 3.0.

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