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Loop auto-vectorization analysis


Lately I am watching Alex Stepanov's and Paramjit Oberoi's Programming Conversations with great enjoyment.

In Lecture 8 they introduced a very interesting benchmark. Its source code is available here on GitHub.

There was a very interesting observation that simple operations (like additions) performed on a highly optimized data structure (std::vector) can be really really fast on a modern hardware.

I decided to analyze the case little bit more to make sure I understand what is going on at harrdware level.

Benchmark code

The core of the benchmark is very simple and looks as follows:

template <Sequence S1, Sequence S2, Sequence S3, BinaryOperation Op>
void time_test(const S1& s1, const S2& s2, S3& s3, Op op, size_t n, size_t m) {
  typedef typename S1::iterator I;
  timer t;
  for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    std::transform(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), s3.begin(), op);
  double time = t.stop()/(double(n) * m);
  std::cout << std::setw(6) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << time << "\t";

By default the M (batch size) and N (number of batches) are set as follows:

uint64_t n = 1000; 
uint64_t m(100000000 / n);

Basic types used are int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, float and double.

Container types used are std::vector, std::deque and std::list.

Binary operations are addition, addition with inlining disabled, multiplication, norm, conversion, division, square root and cube root (implemented in terms of the pow function).

An example of simplest binary operation plus looks like this:

template <typename N>
struct plus
  N operator() (const N& x, const N& y) { return  x + y; }

Benchmark Results

When I built the benchmark with GCC 4.8.1 with following options: g++ -O3 -std=c++11

... And run it on my machine with CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz

... then I get the following results in (quite similar to ones shown in the video):

Applying operation 100000000 times (sequence length 1000 by 100000 iterations)
          type    plus   fplus   times    norm   cnvrt     div    sqrt     pow  
 vector<int8_t>   0.06    1.81    0.14    0.21    1.04    2.71    5.85   62.31  
vector<int16_t>   0.10    2.13    0.09    0.12    1.05    2.72    6.01   63.85  
vector<int32_t>   0.18    2.14    0.30    0.52    0.74    2.72    6.01   63.80  
vector<int64_t>   0.34    1.86    0.92    1.23    2.09    9.62    5.96   63.89  
  vector<float>   0.41    2.14    0.38    0.45    0.38    2.12    6.59   63.81  
 vector<double>   0.65    2.14    0.60    0.78    0.61    4.16    5.98   63.41  
  deque<int8_t>   1.27    2.41    1.25    1.56    2.10    3.64    5.91   64.44  
 deque<int16_t>   1.30    2.22    1.29    1.36    2.20    3.84    6.30   66.68  
 deque<int32_t>   1.33    2.25    1.32    1.42    2.17    3.74    6.21   66.48  
 deque<int64_t>   1.37    2.57    1.33    1.48    2.09   10.33    6.01   66.18  
   deque<float>   1.30    2.19    1.24    1.33    1.24    2.08    6.58   64.26  
  deque<double>   1.37    2.27    1.34    1.49    1.29    4.15    6.04   63.92  
   list<int8_t>   2.36    2.45    2.31    2.28    2.21    3.05    5.88   63.51  
  list<int16_t>   2.24    2.30    2.17    2.25    2.17    3.02    6.03   65.05  
  list<int32_t>   2.20    2.48    2.24    2.24    2.27    3.02    6.23   64.90  
  list<int64_t>   2.22    2.46    2.16    2.30    2.21   10.02    6.13   65.06  
    list<float>   2.28    2.51    2.19    2.15    2.19    2.33    6.55   64.87  
   list<double>   2.26    2.51    2.19    2.17    2.20    4.22    6.00   64.31  

Benchmark analysis

The benchmark results shown above are in nanoseconds per operation. If the CPU speed is 2.4 GHz then a single tick is every 0.417 ns. According to the benchmark results it lokks like a single plus operations on 8-bit integers take roughly 0.06 ns. It would mean that my CPU is capable of roughly 7 such addition operations per single clock tick.

But when we think about it bit more, we find out that conceptually CPU has to perform many more operations for every addition operations, namely:

It would mean that the CPU is able to achieve a stunning rate of more than 50 instructions per tick.

It does not seem very likely. It is fact that Intel processors are highly superscalar, but it seems unlikely that they are able to achieve such a great level of parallelism we see here.

Something different must be in action here and that "something" seems to be some kind of automatic loop vectorization.

Assembly inspection

Now I will focus on GCC compiler in particular (version 4.8.1) and its auto vectorization capabilities. (Of course similar capabilities are available on other modern compilers like MSVC 2013 or Intel C++ Compiler).

In GCC the auto-vectorization is enabled by the flag -ftree-vectorize and by default at -O3. Generated instructions also depend on architecture (on x86_64 we can use -msse/-msse2) and floating point math settings (-ffast-math and -fassociative-math).

Scalar code

First we start with a plain scalar code. We want ot use -O3 optimization but as this optimization level enables auto-vectorization by default we have to disable it explicitly. We can use the -fno-tree-vectorize compiler option for that.

So the resulting compiler options are: -std=c++11 -O3 -fno-tree-vectorize. The assembly code for the std::transform loop boody looks as follows (see compiler explorer for complete program):

    movzbl  (%r8,%rdx), %ecx
    addb    (%rsi,%rdx), %cl
    movb    %cl, (%rdi,%rdx)
    addq    $1, %rdx
    cmpq    %rax, %rdx
    jne     .L39

We can see that the loop body consists of 6 instructions. That is 2 instruction less than we estimated, due to the fact that we expected 3 pointer increments but actually there is just a single index (held in the %RDX register) incremented in each iteration.

To compute all the 1000 additions there is exactly 1000 loop iterations.

The fact is that such scalar code does not run 0.06 ns, but 0.68 ns instead. It means that our super-scalar CPU core can handle between 3 to 4 instructions per cycle on average and that sounds much more realistic.

( 6 instructions / ( 0.68 ns / 0.417 ns/cycle ) = 3.679 instructions/cycle )

Vectorized code for SSE2

Now we can enable the auto-vectorization and see how the assembly changes.

We can use the simple compiler options: -std=c++11 -O3 (as explicitly using the -msse or -msse2 options generates identical assembly code). The assembly code for the std::transform loop body looks as follows (See compiler explorer for complete program):

    shrq  $4, %r11
    movdqu  (%r8,%rdi), %xmm0
    addq    $1, %rbp
    movdqu  (%rdx,%rdi), %xmm1
    paddb   %xmm1, %xmm0
    movdqu  %xmm0, (%rsi,%rdi)
    addq    $16, %rdi
    cmpq    %rbp, %r11
    ja      .L52

We can see that R11 register containing number 1000 gets divided by 16 (see the right shift instruction by 4 bits). So now the loop is only 62 interations long and we perform 16 additions at once thanks to SIMD instructions performed on XMM registers.

Number of instructions for each loop is now 8 and CPU is able to perform almost 3.5 instructions per cycle

( 8 instructions / ( 16 additions * 0.06 ns/addition / 0.417 ns/cycle ) = 3.475 instructions/cycle ).

So using SSE2 instructions with 128-bit XMM registers enabled us to perfom vectorized operations (16 additions at once) with roughly same cadency as a plain old scalar code.

Here is a description of the two instructions used above:


Moves a double quadword from the source operand (second operand) to the destination operand (first operand). This instruction can be used to load an XMM register from a 128-bit memory location, to store the contents of an XMM register into a 128-bit memory location, or to move data between two XMM registers. When the source or destination operand is a memory operand, the operand may be unaligned on a 16-byte boundary without causing a general-protection exception (#GP) to be generated.


Performs an SIMD add of the packed integers from the source operand (second operand) and the destination operand (first operand), and stores the packed integer results in the destination operand. [...] Overflow is handled with wraparound, as described in the following paragraphs.

These instructions can operate on either 64-bit or 128-bit operands. When operating on 64-bit operands, the destination operand must be an MMX technology register and the source operand can be either an MMX technology register or a 64-bit memory location. When operating on 128- bit operands, the destination operand must be an XMM register and the source operand can be either an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location.

The PADDB instruction adds packed byte integers. When an individual result is too large to be represented in 8 bits (overflow), the result is wrapped around and the low 8 bits are written to the destination operand (that is, the carry is ignored).

Vectorized code for AVX

A next step is to use more modern AVX instructions to see if we gain anything by replacing older SSE2.

For that we can use folowing compiler options: -std=c++11 -O3 -mavx. The assembly code for the std::transform loop body looks as follows (See compiler explorer for complete program):

    shrq    $4, %r11
    vmovdqu (%rax,%r8), %xmm1
    addq    $1, %r12
    vmovdqu (%rdx,%r8), %xmm0
    vpaddb  %xmm0, %xmm1, %xmm0
    vmovdqu %xmm0, (%rsi,%r8)
    addq    $16, %r8
    cmpq    %r12, %r11
    ja      .L55

Generated assembly looks quite similar, loop body still consists of 8 instructions and there is 62 loop iterations in total. So the AVX is using 128-bit XMM registers as well as SSE2. It seems that AVX instructions do not gain us any speedup over SSE.

Vectorized code for AVX2

Now we can try AVX2 instructions with 256-bit YMM registers.

For that we can use folowing compiler options: -std=c++11 -O3 -mavx2. The assembly code for the std::transform loop body looks as follows (See compiler explorer for complete program):

    shrq         $5, %r11   
    vmovdqu      (%r8,%rcx), %xmm1
    addq         $1, %r12
    vmovdqu      (%rax,%rcx), %xmm0
    vinserti128  $0x1, 16(%r8,%rcx), %ymm1, %ymm1
    vinserti128  $0x1, 16(%rax,%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
    vpaddb       %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm0
    vmovdqu      %xmm0, (%rdi,%rcx)
    vextracti128 $0x1, %ymm0, 16(%rdi,%rcx)
    addq         $32, %rcx
    cmpq         %r12, %r11
    ja           .L56

We can see that now the R11 register is divided by 32 (right shift by 5 bits) and so the total number of loop iteration drops to only 31. The loop body consists of 11 instructions. As the 256-bit registers are loaded by 128-bit parts the number of instructions is a bit higher, but still this variant has a potential to be significantly faster than SSE2 of AVX. Unfortunately my CPU does not support AVX2 instruction set so I cannot confirm that by running the benchmark.

Here is a short description of the vector instruction used:


Replaces either the lower half or the upper half of a 256-bit YMM register with the value of a 128-bit source operand. The other half of the destination is unchanged.


Extracts either the lower half or the upper half of a 256-bit YMM register and copies the value to a 128-bit destination operand.

Vectorized code for AVX-512

The latest variant of AVX extensions is upcoming AVX-512 adding support for 512-bit ZMM registers. CPU(s) supporting such instructions will begin to appear during 2015.

There should be at least some support for AVX-512 in GCC 4.9 compiler (see the CHANGES).

So I tried the corresponding compiler options: -std=c++11 -O3 -mavx512f, but unfortunately was unable to convince the compiler to actually utilize the 512-bit instructions and registers (see the compiler explorer for whole program):

    shrq         $5, %rax
    vmovdqu      (%rbx,%r11), %xmm0
    addq         $1, %r15
    vinserti128  $0x1, 16(%rbx,%r11), %ymm0, %ymm0
    vpaddb       (%r9,%r11), %ymm0, %ymm0
    vmovups      %xmm0, (%r10,%r11)
    vextracti128 $0x1, %ymm0, 16(%r10,%r11)
    addq         $32, %r11
    cmpq         %r15, %rax
    ja           .L56

At least the GCC compiler version 4.9 seems to generate a better assembly (still using 256-bit registers but shaven off 2 instruction from the tight loop). It is worth noting that it is the case even for -mavx2 compiler option, so it seems to be some general optimization of the loop auto-vectorization logic.

If we were able to utilize the 512-bit registers, then the total number of iterations would have dropped to just 15! But we have yet to see a hardware with such wide vectorization capabilities.


In this article I have analyzed an interesting benchmark showing how capable is the contemporary hardware and how far the x86 architecture got from its first days.

A look at the assembly exposed simple principles how the loop auto-vectorization works and how great potencial it has in combination with other technologies (like superscalar architecture and parallel processing).

It is also important to keep in mind that current compiler support for auto-vectorization is highly heuristic and works best for simple numeric types in continuous memory. Every programmer should be aware of potential gains when he uses simple arrays instead of more sophisticated data structures.

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